The morning of the hurrican i was in Baton Rouge where i had evacuated to the saturday before the hurricane. I was at one of my baseball team mates house with two other players who were not from the area. Two of us were from california, including myself, and another from arizona. We were woken up that monday morning at six a.m to evacuate the house because the trees surrounding the house were falling down from the rain. We went to the grandmas house of the player we were staying with. At the house the power had gone out and none of us had any phone connections that worked. We were cut off from our family and friends and for many of us this was our first hurricane. Luckily the grand parents had a motor home which we could stay in and have power. There we tried to keep our selves busy by playing video games, litsening to music, and trying to find anything to pass the time. Once the hurricane stoped we drove to some of the family members in the area to help them out with some of there damage that had occured. Once we helped out some the player from california, arizona and myself took off and started the drive home to the west coast in the arizona\'s car. I had only lived in New Orleans for one week befor the hurricane hit. I lost many of my things in the storm but i was lucky enough to get out of the area. The most problematic thing after the storm is just the fact that sometimes i will go to get something or look for something and realize that i had lost that item in the storm. It was a experience of a life time to witness the winds, rain, trees falling, and the compation among strangers.




“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed March 18, 2025,