Aftermath Of Katrina
When Mother Nature wreaks havoc\r\nNothing we can do\r\nFeeling so helpless and useless\r\nMy heart just breaks in two\r\n\r\nDestruction is horrendous\r\nHomes washed or blown away\r\nDeath count is climbing\r\nEach and every day!\r\n\r\nThings we take for granted\r\nIn our daily routine\r\nSuch as bathing in water\r\nKeeping our bodies clean\r\n\r\nThousands of people are homeless\r\nLost everything they owned\r\nHomes and personal belongings\r\nThey\'ll have to be rezoned\r\n\r\nMy heartfelt thoughts and prayers\r\nGo out to the families\r\nThey lost many loved ones\r\nIn the Gulf Coast boundaries