hurricane pics 003_2bf68c9a84.jpg

this is the chair i 1st remember after drowning and coming back to life. i held onto an electrical wire outside in the storm for 6 hours in 12 feet of water. as i lie there lokking at that green sky, i fought trying to stay face up, then just gave up. told god thank you, yelled i love you to my girlfriend, then i felt a total peace come ever my body. i saw my body laying in the water. i dont know when the water went down or un-tying my hand. just woke up in this chair and slept there for 3 days before a guy from people magazine drove by and saw me. he gave me water, called my family and took my story and pictures. they came out in the sept,12 issue 2005.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 23, 2024,
