Jazz on the Lawn


10th Anniversary

Saturday, August 29, 2005. The Morris Jumel Mansion, Edgecombe Avenue, Hamilton Heights, Harlem, NY, USA.

The clouds were quite high in the sky, they orbited anti-clockwise, an innocuous gauze.

We lay on our backs listening to our friend Sedric, an alto saxophonist from Paris.

Every year our dear friend Marjorie organizes this event. It gets little or no recognition, usually taking place the same weekend as The Charlie Parker Festival downtown.

All the other Sundays of the year, Marjorie hosts jazz at 4 in the afternoon in her apartment in Triple 5 Edgecombe Avenue.

The man in the lobby will tell you which floor. Don't forget to look at the Tiffany light fixture directly above. No one knows how long it will be there.

Perhaps you remember or have seen Marjorie. She had a twenty second part in the movie Serpico. She played a rape victim.

That's how tragedy functions sometimes. In one part of town there's green grass, music and tranquility. While in another, unimaginable devastation.


“Jazz on the Lawn,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 23, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org/items/show/46019.
