


Back to the rescue signs... The wonderful rescue workers from all across the country and world made numerous attempts to rescue all living things. A cat in the Prentiss Ave. area was rescued on Oct. 4!\n\nSidebar story - The day after I put this image on my website, I received an email from a woman in Ohio who saw this image. She read the description above about a cat being rescued here on Prentiss Ave. and realized she had adopted the cat that came from this house! The address in the image is 2319 Prentiss. Long story short... She explained to me she traveled down to Tylertown, MS to volunteer her time helping with rescue efforts following Katrina to help animals brought to a shelter there. After working several weeks, she adopted one of the evacuated cats. The cat\'s rescue records indicated, \"Cat was found at 2319 Prentiss.\" When I went to Petfinder.com and entered the address into the animal emergency response network database, the record returned the same information and included a picture of a grey cat... the same cat the lady now has in Ohio. She wanted to return the cat to its owners in case I knew the people who lived there. Since Robert, next door, knew them, he asked them if that was their cat. They had two cats but took them with them before the storm. Apparently the grey cat that was rescued here probably took up residence here as it swam in the 10+ feet of floodwater. The cat now lives a very good life in Ohio.


“P1010071.JPG,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 24, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org/items/show/3497.