Leprit du coeur.mov


New Orleans Video Access Center Short Documentary Series

L\'esprit du coeur\r\nDirector: Kimberly Gibbs\r\nDuration: 06:50\r\n\r\nThere was an article from Slate.com posted on Sept. 22, 2005 stating whether the country should spend 200 billion dollars on rebuilding New Orleans or give each family 200,000 dollars to relocate elsewhere. Most New Orleanians found this rather insulting. In this documentary short, we interview individuals and families that live in the hurricane affected New Orleans metro area to tackle this question. The interview subjects have returned to their homes amidst all of the destruction in hopes of holding on to and rebuilding what is left of their community. None of them could even fathom the idea of leaving the city and relocating elsewhere. Why? Like people across the nation, they choose to live near family and friends in an environment that offers a sense of \"place\". This project is part of a series of short documentaries produced by the non-profit, New Orleans Video Access Center (NOVAC). Several New Orleans filmmakers were challenged to create a short documentary on New Orleans as we try to gain support from the nation to help rebuild our great city. The stories provide a snap shot of life in New Orleans following Katrina from a local point-of-view. The budget for each short documentary is $500.


“Leprit du coeur.mov,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed March 13, 2025, https://hurricanearchive.org/items/show/4321.