

New Orleans Video Access Center Short Documentary Series

Restoring New Orleans Restaurants\r\n\r\nDirector: David Aman\r\n\r\nDuration: 07:00\r\nNew Orleans is world famous for its music, architecture, diversity and, perhaps most of all, its food. This documentary portrays the state of restaurants in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. It includes interviews with chefs who lost their restaurants to the flooding as well as those who cooked for first responders and nourished the soul of many New Orleanians struggling to rebuild their lives. This short documentary was originally presented at the 2006 James Beard Awards in New York City as a tribute to New Orleans chefs who were collectively recognized for their humanitarian efforts. This project is part of a series of short documentaries produced by the non-profit, New Orleans Video Access Center (NOVAC). Several New Orleans filmmakers were challenged to create a short documentary on New Orleans as we try to gain support from the nation to help rebuild our great city. The stories provide a snap shot of life in New Orleans following Katrina from a local point-of-view. The budget for each short documentary is $500.


“RestNORest.mp4,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed March 13, 2025,